Credit Management & Debt Consolidation Services


Here at Credit Techs, we offer our clients, a full service debt consolidation company, with services throughout the United States & Puerto Rico.

( Both in English & Spanish. )

Our staff consists of highly trained consolidators and negotiation specialists who work as a team to fulfill all of your debt consolidation requirements.

Our staff of seasoned debt consolidation professionals help you to become debt free by negotiating with creditors, on your behalf.

Benefits include lowered monthly payments and reduced interest charges and other finance fees. Some creditors will even re-age past due accounts, changing their status to "current".

If you are overwhelmed by your current financial situation, then have no worries, because Credit Techs' Debt Consolidation Program can help!

There is a Solution!


Get Started with your Free Debt Consolidation Quote, Today !

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Credit Techs Debt Consolidation Services, Inc.
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